مكان العمل هو حل مساحة عمل رقمية وإنترانت يركز على تعزيز الاستخدام الفعّال للتكنولوجيا في مكان العمل. يركز على التعاون والاتصال والابتكار والتنقل والحوسبة السحابية.
من خلال RPA - أتمتة العمليات الروبوتية، يمكنك تقليل الأعباء التشغيلية وزيادة كفاءة أعمالك في عملية التحول الرقمي.
تسليط الضوء
بيكساج هو تطبيق للنشر الرقمي يمكن من إدارة جميع الشاشات وتدفقات البث من منصة واحدة.
تم تطوير KAI بواسطة KoçSistem، وهو زميل رقمي مدعوم بالذكاء الاصطناعي لتعزيز تجربة الموظفين وزيادة الكفاءة في العمليات التشغيلية.
من خلال Low Code، يمكن إنشاء أي تطبيق مرغوب بسهولة دون الحاجة إلى خلفية برمجية أو تشفير.
"بيكساج هو تطبيق للنشر الرقمي يمكن من إدارة جميع الشاشات وتدفقات البث من منصة واحدة."

"لمزيد من المعلومات التفصيلية حول خدمات بيكساج، يمكنك زيارة صفحتنا الخاصة ببيكساج!"
أشرطة فيديو
تقنيات مركبات المستقبل في صناعة السيارات الرقمية.
صعود المستقبل للخدمات المالية الرقمية.
اتجاهات جديدة في قطاع السلع المعمرة في عصر التحول الرقمي.
التحول الرقمي في قطاع الطاقة وتقنيات الطاقة المستقبلية.
التعليم الرقمي: تقنيات الغد.
التحول الرقمي في القطاع العام والخدمات المرتكزة على المواطن.
الرقمنة في قطاع البيع بالتجزئة واتجاهات التسوق المستقبلية.
الصحة الرقمية: صعود التكنولوجيا في خدمات الرعاية الصحية.
التأمين الرقمي: الابتكارات التي تشكل مستقبل قطاع التأمين.
التحول الرقمي في قطاع الاتصالات والعالم المتصل.
السياحة الرقمية: تقنيات السفر المستقبلية والاتجاهات.

Growing with the Ecosystem in Digital Transformation

19.09.2024 / 8 dk'lık okuma
Growing with the Ecosystem in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has become an indispensable reality in today’s business world. Technological innovations are restructuring organizations and bringing opportunities to previously unimaginable heights. However, seizing these opportunities and overcoming challenges is not solely achievable through the use of technology. Building strong partnerships has become one of the most crucial elements of success in this transformation process. At KoçSistem, we move forward with this vision and continue to shape the digital world together with our business partners.

Strong Technology, Solid Infrastructure

Our strategic partnership with Huawei, one of the world’s leading technology giants, is a powerful example of meeting the requirements of digital transformation. When Huawei’s advanced technological solutions are combined with KoçSistem’s deep industry expertise, we create added value for our customers and provide them with a competitive edge.

Huawei is a critical partner for us on our digital transformation journey. Its high-performance solutions in data storage, security, and business continuity address the most important needs of our customers. For example, by utilizing Huawei’s OceanStore Dorado technology in our three independent data centers across Turkey, we provide 24/7 service to over 300 customers. These data centers stand as a testament to our commitment to delivering secure, uninterrupted, and high-speed services to our customers.

Moreover, our collaboration with Huawei in the security domain ensures business continuity for our customers with high-performance data backup solutions. This partnership not only modernizes the technological infrastructure but also contributes to making operational processes more efficient.

Our Joint Achievements

2023 yılında Huawei Türkiye Ekosistem İş Ortağı Zirvesi’nde dört farklı kategoride ödül almamız, bu stratejik ortaklığın ne kadar güçlü ve verimli olduğunu bir kez daha gözler önüne seriyor. KoçSistem olarak 2023 yılının, “En İyi Depolama Satış Performansı İş Ortağı”, “En İyi Hizmet Ortağı”, “Sektöre Katkı Ortağı – Finans” ve “Üstün İş Ortağı” ödüllerine layık görüldük. Bu ödüller, Huawei ile yürüttüğümüz çalışmaların başarısını ve müşterilerimize sunduğumuz çözümlerin gücünü simgeliyor.

Son dört yılda, Huawei ile işbirliğimizde %500 gibi yüksek bir büyüme elde ettik. Bu büyüme, sadece finans sektöründe değil; otomotiv, perakende ve kamu sektörlerinde de etkili olmaya devam ediyor. Özellikle finans sektöründe iki büyük banka ile gerçekleştirdiğimiz projeler, dijital dönüşümün ne kadar kritik ve stratejik bir adım olduğunu bir kez daha kanıtlıyor.

Shaping the Future Together in Digital Transformation

In the digital transformation process, it’s not enough to merely invest in technology; these technologies must be integrated into business strategies to shape the future. At KoçSistem, through our collaboration with Huawei, we not only offer technological solutions to our customers but also guide them in building sustainable, efficient, and competitive business structures.

This collaboration contributes to Turkey’s digital transformation process while creating significant value in offering new business opportunities and enhancing operational efficiency for our customers. When Huawei’s innovative and reliable technological solutions are combined with KoçSistem’s extensive experience, we reshape our customers’ businesses to meet the demands of the digital age.

As KoçSistem and Huawei, we are determined to take pioneering steps in the digitalization of the business world and continue on the path to making Turkey the region’s digital leader. We believe that this partnership will continue to strengthen in the future, offering even more added value to our customers and playing a key role in Turkey’s digital transformation journey.

Through the collaboration of two great technological leaders, we are writing new success stories both in Turkey and globally on the digital transformation journey. At KoçSistem, our investment in technology and our business partners not only increases the value we provide to our customers but also contributes to the building of the digital world’s future.