Quality Approach

​Basic Principles of KoçSistem's Quality Policy​

  • We work to ensure that all our employees and business partners recognize KoçSistem’s mission and vision as well as proceeding together towards our common goals.
  • We carry out our works in accordance with the laws, regulations, international standards and the Global Principles Agreement.
  • We keep our employees aware of the requirements of our Integrated Management System and ensure that they are engaged in improving this system.
  • We define the KoçSistem processes by means of internationally recognized standards that are focused on customer requests and needs, while offering services through the use of technologies that will maximize the efficiency level of our customers, and pursuing a strategic management approach that ensures customer satisfaction beyond expectations.
  • By encouraging our employees to contribute in business processes with new ideas, we develop creative and innovative products and services.
  • We assess performances of KoçSistem processes through solid data, right methods and systems besides providing input for continuous improvement.
  • KoçSistem endeavors to establish good relations with its suppliers and organizations operating in the same ecosystem and continue growing together.
  • Within the scope of business sustainability, we aspire to be prepared for any probable incidents that may adversely affect our company’s critical functions and business processes, and ensure a pre-planned and tested response to any case of service interruption.
  • To ensure stability in service provision, we periodically evaluate the risks on information security, occupational health and safety, environment management and business continuity, and provide inputs for the customer service management.
  • We regulate the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of all our physical and virtual information sources in a way that will meet the needs of our customers, business partners and suppliers. We take the necessary measures to minimize violations of information security and increase awareness of our employees and business partners at the highest level possible.
  • We aim to continuously enhance and develop the knowledge level and the protective understanding to ensure occupational health and safety of all our employees and other actors in the business ecosystem, as well as raising environmental awareness in the eye of our employees.
  • Besides activities informing the employees and the society to increase their environmental awareness, we encourage practices that are not detrimental to the environment, human health and safety.
  • We put extensive efforts to offer efficient, realistic and applicable solutions in the customer complaint management and to protect our customers’ rights. We operate on the basis of the Integrated Quality Management approach by recording all complaints, and sharing with our customers the findings and solutions obtained from examinations of the problems.
  • KoçSistem Management Team endeavors to maximize the satisfaction of its shareholders, employees, customers and business partners, while protecting employees from occupational diseases and probable injuries, and minimizing harms to the environment by undertaking the responsibility to provide any resources necessary to become an exemplary corporation with a great employee engagement that creates difference in the information technologies and services sector.