Workplace is a digital workspace and intranet solution centered around enhancing the effective use of technology in the workplace. It focuses on employee collaboration, communication, innovation, mobility, and cloud computing.
With RPA - Robotic Process Automation, you can reduce your operational burdens and increase your business efficiency in your digital transformation process.
Pixage is a digital publishing application that enables the centralized management of all screens and broadcasting streams from a single platform.
KAI, developed by KoçSistem, is an AI-powered digital colleague designed to enhance employee experience and improve efficiency in operational processes.
With Low Code, any desired application can be easily created without the need for a software background or coding.
Pixage is a digital publishing application that enables the centralized management of all screens and broadcasting streams from a single platform.

For more detailed information about our Pixage services, you can visit our Pixage page!
View in Detail
Future vehicle technologies in the digitizing automotive industry.
The rise and future of digital financial services.
New trends in the durable goods sector in the age of digital transformation.
Digital transformation in the energy sector and future energy technologies.
Digitized education: Tomorrow's technologies.
Digital transformation in the public sector and citizen-centered services.
Digitalization in the retail sector and future shopping trends.
Digital health: The rise of technology in healthcare services.
Digital insurance: Innovations shaping the future of the insurance sector.
Digital transformation in the telecommunications sector and the connected world.
Digital tourism: Future travel technologies and trends.

We Explained Digital Transformation at the Public Informatics Summit


Kamu Bilişimcilen Derneği tarafından 16-19 Kasım tarihlerinde Antalya'da gerçekleştirilen Kamu Bilişim Zirvesi'nde, "Potansiyelini Bilişimle Keşfet" başlığı altında devletin "Akıllı" dönüşüm hamleleri masaya yatırılarak, kamu ve özel sektördeki bilişim uzmanları deneyimlerini paylaştı.

Satış Genel Mudür Yardımcımız Can Barış Öztok, KoçSistem'in kamuda dijital dönüşüme sağladığı katkıları ve bakış açısını aktardığı sunumunda "Dijital dönüşüm vizyonumuzu kamu kurumları ile daha fazla paylaşmak ve başarılı projelere imza atmak istediğimizi belirterek, dijital dönüşüme ayak uyduramayan kamu kurumlarını verimlilik ve rekabet konularında başarılı olamayacağının" altını çizdi

Platin Sponsor olarak yer aldığımız etkinlikte fuar alanında stand kurulumu yaparak, ziyaret eden müşterilerimizin ve iş ortaklarımızın sorularını yanıtladık.
